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Your International MedTech Pitch: Don’t Just Wing It, Win It!

Think of a pitch deck as your digital handshake. We all know first impressions matter, especially when breaking into international markets! But so many of us get caught up in the tech details (rightfully so) and forget to craft a story that truly connects. Here’s your crash course fix!

The Kick-Off: Hook ‘Em and Hold ‘Em

  • Start with a heartstring pull. Forget reciting stats. Share a patient success story because of your IVF device. Was it increased pregnancy rates? Less invasive embryo transfer? This shows the real-world impact.
  • Company snapshot. Keep it snappy – the mission, values, and how you’re different in one sentence. (“Here at [Company], we believe in tech that empowers, not complicates, and that’s how we’re making ART procedures less stressful for patients.”)
  • Visual: Image of a patient, relieved, smiling (stock photos can work if you don’t have your own yet!). Feel free to borrow these below!:

Market Matters: Show Them the Opportunity

  • No data dumps! Select 2-3 KEY facts that prove the need for your solution in the target country. (“X number of fertility clinics exist in [country], yet Y% still lack access to…” )
  • Know your rivals…but focus on YOU. Briefly mention them, then pivot to what makes YOU the breakthrough.
  • Visual: Simple graph or map showing the gap you aim to fill.

The Star of the Show: Your Tech

  • Ditch the jargon. Imagine explaining it to your non-techie aunt. What are the BENEFITS, not just features?
  • Case study power: Did early trials have a standout result? Share it!
  • Visual: A short video of your device in action, or a clear, labeled diagram if it’s complex.

Getting it Out There: Strategy Time

  • Think local. Each country has preferred platforms, conferences, etc. Show you’ve done your homework.
  • Partner power: Distributors are KING. Explain your ideal partner profile, and what support you offer them.
  • Visual: Icons of your target market’s flags, or a globe graphic.

Money Talks: Projections & Plan

  • Start simple. A first-year target, and then 3-year growth vision are enough. No one expects you to predict the next decade in detail.
  • Be realistic. This shows you’re grounded, not just starry-eyed.
  • Visual: Clean line chart of your growth.

Extra Impact: Tailor These if They’re Relevant

  • Your backstory: Did a personal experience spark this innovation? Share it briefly!
  • The team slide: A diverse team signals innovation. A few headshots with titles go a long way.
  • Science matters: If you have strong patents or clinical trial backing, highlight that!
  • Visual: Depending on the choice above, a family tree graphic, smiling faces, or a microscope image could work.

Remember: It’s an Intro, Not a Lecture The goal of a pitch deck is to get them WANTING that meeting. Keep it punchy, practice your delivery, and let that passion for your life-changing device shine through!